Operating name of the company:



Noëmi Joncour


OVH Public Limited Company with a capital of 10,000,000 €, registered in France at the Roubaix- Tourcoing Trade and Companies Register under 424 761 419 00045.
Code: APE 6202 A
VAT number: FR 22424 761 419

Intellectual Property Rights:

According to Article L111.1 of the Intellectual Property Code, the copyright and all other intellectual property rights in this website including all text, graphics, photos, drawings, and videos belong to LEXIK’ALL.
All representation or reproduction, in whole or in part of this website, other than personal use, without prior consent from LEXIK’ALL, is forbidden.

Data protection:

No personal information will be collected without your consent. No personal information will be supplied to third parties. LEXIK’ALL is committed to safeguarding your privacy online.

Web concept and design:

Zohra Beroual